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Senate Bios

Student Senator

Irena Ilic



Irena is a junior majoring in History & International Relations. Irena joined the Senate because she wants to help voice student concerns and make ɫӰ a better place. She is super excited to be a voice for students and help solve issues the student body is experiencing. Irena’s favorite food is pasta and she was actually born in Croatia!

“You’re your own problem, but you’re your own solution too” -Bridesmaids

Student Senator

Destiny Reynolds

Vice President


Destiny is a senior majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Paralegal Studies. She has been in the Senate since she was a sophomore and has enjoyed being a part of the active change happening here at ɫӰ. Along with seeing how passionate the people are to make ɫӰ a better place for all. Her favorite food is steak tacos, and her first time out of the country she received 5 stitches and 2 fractures in one toe!

“Your faith has to be greater than your fear ”

Student Senator

Emiliano Justice

Director of Communications


Emiliano is a sophomore majoring in Criminal Justice. Emiliano joined the Senate to make a difference at ɫӰ and make connections with all people alike. His favorite food is sushi and he played lacrosse in high school.

Joshua 1:9

Student Senator

Jackson Smith

Director of Finance


Jack is a junior with an Aviation Flight Tech major and minors in Criminal Justice and Aircraft Dispatch. Jack wanted to join the Senate because he wanted to serve his peers both from an educational standpoint but also as a companion of learning to help everyone get through the ride we students call college. His favorite food is chicken noodle soup and he has visited all 50 states.

“If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”” -Rear Admiral William H. McRaven

Student Senator

Madisyn Smith

Sophomore Senator


Madisyn is a sophomore majoring in Political Science with a Women’s Studies Minor. She decided to join the Student Senate because she wanted to be more involved in school and make a difference at ɫӰ. Her favorite food is sushi and she has an orange car named Simba who looks just like her.

“We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained” -Marie Curie

Student Senator

Carter Gass

Junior Senator


Carter is a junior majoring in exercise science. He joined the Senate to be more involved and make connections within the ɫӰ community. Carter’s favorite food is ice cream and he is actually colorblind!

“It’s ok to lose, to die, but don’t die without trying, without giving it your best.” -Walt Disney

Student Senator

Jessica Barrios

Senior Senator


Jessica Barrios is a senior majoring in Paralegal Studies with a focus on Criminal Justice. She wanted to join the Senate to become more involved with the school and help transform and engage our student community in offering help, creating fun events, and learning about important topics. Her favorite type of food is Mexican and she loves animals!

“Spread love everywhere you go..”

Student Senator

Kaitlyn Palmer

Graduate Senator


Kaitlyn is a graduate student completing her masters in Chemistry. “I believe that as the ɫӰ graduate programs continue to grow and more students decide to choose ɫӰ to continue their studies, there is a great opportunity to give graduate students a larger voice on campus as well as forming a community for them. My goal is to be an advocate for graduate students and their experience as well as helping ɫӰ grow into an even better institution that can draw in students from all backgrounds and places.” Kaitlyn’s favorite food is a burger from Whataburger, with the fancy ketchup. A fun fact about Kaitlyn is that she is a certified phlebotomist.

To thrive in life you need 3 bones: a backbone, a funny bone, and a wishbone.

Student Senator

Emilio Melero

Commuter Senator


Emilio is a sophomore majoring in English with a Creative Writing minor. Emilio joined the Senate because he wants to help out the ɫӰ community and represent his fellow ɫӰ commuters, so he can be a resource that they could go to if they have any problems. His favorite food is spaghetti and he enjoys writing stories and songs in his free time.

““How can the sky be the limit, when there are footprints on the moon?” - Logic

Student Senator

Alex Lesnicki

Residential Senator


Alex is a senior majoring in Aviation Flight Technology with a minor in Aircraft Dispatch. He wanted to join the Senate to give his fellow students a voice and make change. Alex’s favorite foods are sushi and tacos, his hobbies include body building and putting in flight time with over 400 hours logged.

“Well done is better than well said.”

Student Senator

Rhea Ray

International Senator


Rhea is a sophomore majoring in Aviation Flight. Rhea joined the Senate to become a better leader. Her favorite food is MoMo or “Nepalese Dumplings”, she also speaks 4 languages!

“I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.”- Charlotte Brontë

Student Senator

Rebekkah (Bekkah) Schimik

Transfer Senator


Bekkah is a senior majoring in Psychology and minoring in Social Work. She joined the Senate because she wanted to be able to make change within the ɫӰ community. She really enjoys seeing how the university works as an institution. Bekkah’s favorite food is tacos and she is actually a highschool diving coach!

“If you don’t play to win, don’t play at all.” – Tom Brady

Student Senator

Eduarda Da Silva

Student Organization Senator


Eduarda is a senior majoring in International Relations and minoring in History. Eduarda decided to join the Senate because she wanted to be actively part of the student community. She likes any type of brazilian food and just got a puppy named Percy like Percy Jackson.

“Do it for the friends you haven’t met yet”

Student Senator

Taylor Gugliuzza

Athletic Senator


Taylor is a senior majoring in Criminal Justice with a Psychology and Paralegal Studies minor. She wanted to join the Senate to be more involved in the school and she wants to help all athletes have a better experience and better opportunities here at ɫӰ. Her favorite food is french fries and she has been playing basketball since she was six years old!

“Everything happens for a reason”

Student Senator

Priscilla Najera

Greek Organizations and Honor Societies Senator


Priscilla Najera is a Junior majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology. She decided to join the Student Senate to make a more inclusive environment and presence for the Greek Organizations and Honor Societies on campus. Her favorite food is papas asada and she has studied abroad in Italy!

“a vece' para sonreir hay que llorar cierra los ojos y aprende a volar” - Bad Bunny

Student Senator

Trenton Olling

College of Aviation Science and Technology


Trenton is a senior majoring in Aviation Flight Technology and minoring in Aircraft Dispatch. Trenton joined the Senate because: “Becoming a part of the Student Senate has proven to be a valuable role, enabling me to contribute to the enrichment of our campus community. This opportunity has allowed me to forge meaningful connections, support fellow student organizations, and create a positive impact within the campus community that I now proudly consider my own”. Trenton’s favorite food is his mom's casseroles and a fun fact about him is that since his first flight at the age of twelve, he has maintained a steadfast determination to pursue a career as a commercial pilot!

Student Senator

Alex Camacho

College of Humanities Fine Arts and Communications Senator


Alex is a junior majoring in Economics and Finance, he is minoring in Spanish Language & Culture. Alex joined the Senate to have a voice on campus. His favorite food is breakfast foods and he is good at playing the drums.

“Just do it.” -Dolly Parton

Student Senator

Cassandra (Cassie) Stupay

College of Nursing and Health Sciences Senator


Cassie is a senior majoring in Nursing. She joined the Senate because she enjoys advocating for others and wants to make a positive impact during her time here at ɫӰ. Cassie’s favorite food is tacos and she danced competitively and non-competitively for a total of 13 years!

“In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” –Thomas Jefferson

Student Senator

Faith Vaughn

College of Education and Social Sciences Senator


Faith is a senior majoring in Social work and minoring in Psychology. She wanted to join the Senate because: “As a social worker advocacy is a huge part of what we do and joining the senate is a way to use those skills and advocate for the student body.” Her favorite food is pasta and she has two siamese cats!

“Its a bad day, not a bad life”

Student Senator

Tyler Avenatii

College of Business Senator


Tyler is a senior majoring in Sports Management. Tyler joined the Senate because: “I am involved in a lot on Campus and wanted to help in an even bigger way by joining senate and bring more peoples opinions and thoughts forward. I am on the advisory board for the college of business so as being the College of Business senator that helps build a connection with the senate and our college of business as well as being able to share ideas with other senators around campus!”. Tyler’s favorite food is fettuccine alfredo and he was a member of the Junior PGA Tour!

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” - Thomas Edison

Student Senator

Eliana Melero

Mission, Diversity and Inclusion Senator

Eliana is a senior majoring in History & Secondary Education with a minor in Cultural & Ethnic Studies. Eliana decided to join the Senate because I wanted to help student's voices be heard. As senators, we are able to be the bridge between students, faculty, staff and administrators. I feel like the Student Senate is the best way to create change that can leave a lasting impact on the ɫӰ community as a whole. Eliana’s favorite food is Steak and Baked Potatoes, she loves live music from any genre and tries to go to at least one concert a month!

“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.” - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Student Senator

Erin Cunnigham

Senator at Large


Erin is a senior majoring in Aviation Administration with a minor in Public Policy. Erin joined the Senate to get more involved on campus and build her leadership skills. She also wants to help student’s voices be heard and wants experience working in an administrative position that helps push her out of her comfort zone. Having friends that spoke highly of the senate, Erin is glad to have joined as the senate has expanded her views on a variety of topics which has challenged her to problem-solve and improve her professional skills. She is excited to make a real difference at ɫӰ and help make everyone’s time here memorable. Her favorite food is crab rangoon and a fun fact about her is that she is a coffee connoisseur.

“Darling, you can be whatever you want to be as long as you're outrageous.” Phoebe Waller-Bridge's Mother

Student Senator

Nathan Johnson

Military Senator


Nathan is a first-year majoring in Aviation Flight Technology. He joined the Senate to improve the community at ɫӰ and provide more opportunities to students. His favorite food is lasagna and loves fishing!

“Be happy with where you are but never satisfied”

Student Senator

Khiya Jones

Recreation and Personal Wellness Senator


Khiya is a junior with a major in Psychology and a minor in Health Sciences. She chose to join the Senate to be more involved and to speak on the behalf of students that have questions or concerns about things around campus. As a senator, she would like to hear and add in new ideas that can make campus better and safer. Her favorite food is tacos and she knows the entire alphabet in sign language.

“Don't ever make decisions based on fear. Make decisions based on hope and possibility. Make decisions based on what should happen, not what shouldn’t.” -Michelle Obama

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